Longer established members will remember Evelyn who joined our Club with her late husband Trevor many years ago. We have been told by her family that after Trevor’s death the Club was her solace and salvation, a place where she could be among friends. Evelyn was well known for her sharp wit and, at times even sharper tongue. Her nickname, Twinkle, came from her ‘starring’ as a lead in a Club Triples competition and she wore it with pride until ill health forced her to leave her home in Tilehurst and move into a care home in Poundbury to be near her son.
Her funeral took place in Reading and the Club was represented by those who knew her best.
We have since learned that Evelyn has left the sum of £1,000 to the Club to be spent as we see fit, a truly wonderful gesture. Your Committee will consider how to use this money at their next meeting but I am sure that they will want to use part of it at least to provide a memorial to her and her generosity.